
Analyzing a Portfolio

Many companies that invest in new ideas find it difficult to recover their research and development investments. Hidden value stays locked away in their intellectual property portfolio. Our approach includes rigorous analysis by experts in the relevant technical fields to determine the licensing potential of a patent portfolio. Our experience is unparalleled and our results are unprecedented.



Strategic Patent Development

Protecting inventions can be a challenge for companies of any size.  As global demand and consumption of technology increases, so does the work involved in evaluating and maintaining a patent portfolio. Companies can lose patent rights without the proper expertise and perspective. We provide an efficient process for evaluating your valuable IP, strategically developing your portfolio on a global scale and producing return on your investment.


Defining a Licensing Strategy

Our licensing programs have produced successful results in multiple technology fields, including computer hardware, software, communications and semiconductors. Our proprietary approach to IP analysis is the foundation for that success. We accurately identify, analyze and document the implementation of patented technology. With decades of experience, we have unique insight into relevant markets and licensing opportunities.


Concluding License Agreements

Realizing a return on your intellectual property requires negotiation of complex license agreements with terms and conditions that are right the first time. Our world-class team has decades of experience negotiating with the most sophisticated companies in Asia, North America, Europe and Latin America. Our ability to achieve mutually beneficial solutions in licensing negotiations drives successful licensing programs and helps avoid disputes, maximizing return on investment.



The PanOptis team has successfully resolved billions of dollars worth of patent disputes by using all forms of dispute resolution – negotiation, mediation, arbitration and litigation. Although the cost, worry and stress of litigation are never desirable, it is sometimes a necessary tool to defend a company’s inventions from infringement by unwilling licensees. We can take responsibility for managing your disputes and ensuring a positive outcome so that you can focus on your key talents of product development and innovation.





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